About company

The company HERMIS was established in 1988 year in Lithuania. Company is engaged in manufacturing of TUNNEL PASTEURIZERS, TUNNEL HEATERS, TUNNEL COOLERS, FLOW PASTEURIZERS, CIP STATIONS, CONVEYORS for BEVERAGES and CANNED FOOD INDUSTRIES. HERMIS also offers service and complete decisions for filling lines.
Already 35 years HERMIS successfully works at the market of technological equipment. Sales geography of HERMIS is expanded from Europe to Central Asia, Africa and America.
HERMIS is a reliable manufacturer:
  • ensures the quality and correct operation of equipment;
  • offers reliable delivery and competitive prices of the equipment;
  • supports customer feedback;
  • appreciates customers.


15-19 September 2025 

Drinktec 2025 - Munich, Germany

Our Certificates
HERMIS company is certified to ISO 9001:2015. We ensure that our equipment and services consistently meet customer’s requirements and equipment quality is consistently improved.
Made in EU. HERMIS uses only high-quality materials and components manufactured in the European Union and meet all quality requirements.
CE Certificate.